Hogan's Two Tone Thin Thing TB
As I have said many times before I am a late convert to the Euro Nymph game… that said over the last few years I have dipped my toes in it and like any golf club in a trout anglers bag it is a very important tool. On thing I have really found inspiring and useful is adapting Euro nymph techniques to my own techniques and creating some what hybridized flies. The Two Tone thing is one of the first fly to really take this and run with it. I love using thread as bodies for my mayfly nymphs and obviously thread body trim flies is a huge part of the European style of tying nymphs. With this fly I combined some of my favorite materials and techniques as well as some new ideas into a very trim and affective PMD pattern that fish with and with out an indicator on a tight line or a slack line in all types of waters.