Jiggy Caddis Pupa

“Gary LaFontaine was a fly tying genius, and for me as an angler and creative fly designer, his Deep Sparkle Pupa was and is nothing short of magic. I was a young guide in the early 80's when his Caddisflies book came out, constantly looking for an edge that would allow my clients to catch more and larger fish. Mayflies dominated the fly pattern scene at that time, with caddis being of only passing interest.
But with the introduction of Gary's strange-looking Deep Sparkle Pupa, that all changed. This fly became my "confidence" pattern when fishing rivers throughout the West. Fast forward almost 40 years, add incredibly sharp Tiemco jig hooks, unbelievably heavy tungsten slotted beads, some added material motion, and you have a deep caddis pattern that I hope Gary would approve of.
I will always be grateful for his tying vision, and how it helped a kid imagine what it might be that fish were actually seeing underwater, and what it was that might better trigger them to take my flies.” -Signature Tyer Mike Mercer